Sunday, August 29, 2004

Okay we were suppose to go the party after 8pm when we closed our shop but because our people carrier car was in garage for a new engine and they said it would take half an hour to bring the car back to our house....we were waiting and waiting since 8pm. I told mum we might as well not go but dad says no (argh I can't always get my own way :p)....yeah well they came 9.30pm!! yeah that was late but we still went.
The party finished at 10.45pm lol so we didn't really stay long.The party was alright but my close family seemed really bored so my 3 cousins (all male) went out clubbing!!! can you believe that?! I think they came back at 1am-ish, so it must have been a rush today for them because they all had to set off in the coach (me and dad didn't go to wedding - have to take care of shop and well I didn't wanna go) at 6.30am so they must still be half-asleep lol....if ya wondering why they are going in a coach, they are going to the bride's location where she lives and that's where they get married and then couple of days later the bride will go with her husband back to his location and live there.
And this is what I'm scared of because I don't wanna live away from mum and dad lol :p ....I think it's because I don't interact with others as much as I do with my mum and dad and since I'm an only child I like living with my parents.

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