Tuesday, February 14, 2006

glitter graphics

Happy Valentine's Day

Hope everyone is having a lovely day with their other half or secret admirers :p...it's funny Valentine's Day. It's quite commercialised but it's also a great day cos many people feel great and you can feel some love from everyone...so it's not all bad, even when you don't get a Valentine's Card :p

I'm going to India tomorrow! Well thursday actually at 4am but gonna stay at my cousin's tomorrow night so it's gonna be a little stressful. I need someone to hold my hand when I'm on the flight, I'm too scared to go on it!

I also asked my tutor for extension on the coursework thats has to be handed in on Monday (i'll be in India). At first she wouldn't give the extension, she thought I didn't deserve it lol since it's no excuse for not getting the work done earlier on. But she's allowed me to have an extension until I come back from India then I'll have to hand it in. So I'll have to do my work in India but hopefully I can get it done by then which I doubt it!

Oh and I went to watch Final Destination 3 with my cousin on saturday and it is quite good but pretty gory but I don't understand why filmmakers think it's necessary to always have some nudity in films - although it was actually necessary for that death!

I won't be online till the 26th feburary when I come back from India but I hope everyone has a great time and I'll see you soon!

Thanks these guys for commenting =) : Bablu, Lisa and Isaac.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

My Dell laptop arrived on Thursday and it's pretty cool. Although I now think I don't need it :p...and I'm pretty dumb when it comes to wireless internet connection, maybe I'll have to change my ISP provider to get a package for internet connection on the PC and laptop.
But I'm still getting use to the laptop...I thought there was something wrong with the cursor moving only to realise instead of the touch pad on the laptop I was using my PC's mouse and keyboard lol.

I got both of my courseworks back with just a 'bare' pass so I dunno if it's a good thing or a bad thing but I got D grade (I really do think I'm cursed cos I always get a D grade for nearly everything lol) for them.
I've only got a week left to get my 3rd coursework finished (I would had 2 weeks to do it if my cousin wasn't getting married) before going to India.
So it's really stressful at the moment cos I also gotta my tutorials done as well!

I thought I'll do the words game where I have to think of a word from Unconscious Mutterings :

  1. Taking sides:: games
  2. Couples:: love
  3. Right of refusal:: freedom
  4. Marla:: Grey (don't ask lol)
  5. Multiple:: maths
  6. Trinity:: Street (street I use to live on as a kid)
  7. Sneeze:: cold
  8. Sweatpants:: comfy
  9. Steve:: Austin (I use to be a big fan of wrestling when I was younger :p)
  10. Fabulous:: fashion

Thanks to: Bablu and Lisa for commenting!