Friday, December 31, 2004

argh! New Year's Eve already!......can't believe this year has gone too fast and I haven't even done much so it's not gonna be a memorable year.

I hope next year stores a better future for everyone especially those affected by the Tsunami disaster...please pray for these people who lost their lives by the disaster and millions who have become homeless but be grateful to those who are helping them directly.
If you want help and support the relief work for the Tsunami disaster then please send donations of cash rather than goods to: DEC Tsunami Earthquake appeal - it would mean really alot to these people.
I don't know if anyone feels the same but ever since Sept 11th attacks the world seems to be getting worser and unstable although those attack were not done by natural causes it still damages people still today. Even the innocent people in Iraq and Aghanistan are living in hell and it would take a very long time for their lives to become stable.
If anyone has any family members missing from The Tsunami disaster then please visit: People Match to find them now.

I just hope the new year will help provide answers to those things that affect people badly and hope the year becomes a better turn for the's not only the people suffering around the world, it's earth's environment and animals too that need to help too.....but you never know with the rate we going for not taking care of world where gonna pay it later. Not that everything is our fault but a little difference makes a big difference to little things in life.

I hope everyone has a good time and really help the world even just a little help will mean alot.......HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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