Thursday, August 22, 2002

Hey everyone!!!! :))))) lol
I'm really happy today! because I've passed my exams! Yay! lol! :)
And I thought I'll never pass the exams! And guess what, I'm still alive lol!

But my dad keeps saying you've could have least got an A grade! but I couldn't get an A because I was in middle sets and I only could get grades from C to G, so but my dad is still happy!
These are the grades I've got:
C grades - I've got 6
D grades - I've got 4
And the English speaking and listening what an E grade but is not a GCSE grade.
I know I'm not really brainy because I am kinda dumb lol, but at least I've done well, innit?

Anywayz gotta go and do my other sites!
Byeee Take care people
Just Simply Shimmer

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