sorry again for not keeping my promise of blogging I just haven't had the time to do anything because I'm so busy and so much has been going on. One main problem is my Broadband connection there's always seem to be something wrong with it and it kinda drives me nuts whenever I want to go on the internet it stops working...argh!!! That's not the only stressful thing....I have 3 exams in mid-january and still need to get 3 presents for my family members for Xmas day, double argh! lol...but at least it's not worser than last year where me and mum shopped for all presents on Christmas Eve!!...Not really looking forward to the exams though cos I haven't revised this week as I've only got another week off so I gotta revise now otherwise my results would be turned for the worst like as usual :p.
I can't remember exactly what's happened for nearly a month cos there's so much going on but it definitely has been stressful. I still got those idiotic cousins from Holland still here and they probably have to spend Xmas day with us :( - it may seem mean but I ain't gonna look forward to Xmas day with them because they kinda spoil the mood for everyone and I'm only use to spending time at Xmas with my closer knit family...oh well, I'll have to wait and see what they say today if they spending the day with us or not.
My puppy Tyson is so different from my older dog it's so damn hyper! which is what I'm not use to but it's exactly adorable like my older dog...although the weird thing is everytime the puppy needs to do his business he always does it inside the shop rather than outside and dad has to pick it up urgh!...I don't think I can do what dad does lol :p. The only thing that annoys me about the puppy is that it has to bite everything and so far he has made a huge hole in my college bag, hole in my jacket and cardigan and several holes in my skirt argh!! I need alot of new stuff now but skint at the moment because of Xmas shopping - will be going shopping again today later on to buy the last presents but not looking forward it to cos it's gonna be packed and it is Christmas Eve!.
Watched Blade: Trinity at cinema last week starring Wesley Snipes (Blade 1 is one of my favourite films of all time) and it was pretty good although the baddie Drake wasn't really good and it's not really Blade's story it's more of the Nightstalkers story but I still like it and I heard the 4th Blade movie is in production so I can't wait and I hope it would be much more better with more blade.
I can't remember what else to write here but I'll try to remember in my next post and I will try to post this time! and I'll also posts some pics of my puppy :)
Hope you like the new layout for winter! :) it's a free template from Weblog Design although my content is kinda in a mess it's more of a layout just for Xmas so I'll make a brand new layout soon so it looks right with my contents in place :).
Thanks for comments by: Khushee and Bablu .
Anyways MERRY CHRISTMAS I hope you all have an wonderful time on Christmas day and remember it's the thought that's counts and spend the day well with your family without the quarrels, arguments etc :p
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