Saturday, July 31, 2004

Okay well Billu's dad did come on Wednesday, my dad had to pick him up as well as Hardeep in Billu's banger lookalike car, Billu's wife also went with my dad to airport. Anyways they came Hardeep was no where to be seen thankgod - dad took him straight to his house. Once they came here I knew it was going to be something predictable. Yup using the house phone so much that I couldn't go online. In fact in total from my cousin's dad to my cousin's wife they used the friggin' house phone about 15 times! in just 5 hours!! God it frustrated me so badly because I wanted to use the internet on that day as well. Imagine how long our bill will be because every phone call they made were at least 10 minutes or more.

Dad had to be an taxi driver to these two and took them to Liverpool in the evening so they could get Billu's wife visa card stamped. Unfortunately it was closed duh! So dad had to stay with them at some relatives house because basically he was only suppose to drop them off at Liverpool so they can stay at relatives and him come back home well that didn't happen. But he did came back the next day looking seriously moody. He hates how they are treating us but didn't say anything to them but easy for my dad to criticise my mum's side family because we are so close....parents what are they like.

This week I've been doing nothing at all, busy doing nothing...I'm so damn lazy but the relatives keep coming so it's not like my relaxing. I mean relatives who tell you they are gonna come and you are waiting and waiting and they either come very late or don't come at all argh! Okay I know everyone does it, it's just that it's so annoying and I could have been doing something all of that time wasting all the time...hmm...

Oh my females cousins who are both married came with my aunt on Thursday with the kids, which I'm glad they came....the kids are so cute but I'm damn scared of kids but I don't why and the questions they were asking "Why are you sitting down?", "why do you have a dog?", "why is your name like that?"'s kinda like as if your in a interview but in a kiddy matter ...anyways they were so cute :)
........Oh I watched the Hindi film Hum Tum starring Rani Mukerjee and Saif Ali Khan on a DVD bought by dad when he went to India. We only finally watched it last night cos Billu's wife was not here because she will want to see all Hindi films that my dad bought which I've hid and would watch it 24/7...anyways the film was really really good and very very funny you should go and watch it as the acting is superb and I love story line.

Goodnight it's 2.00am :p

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

I went to see Spiderman 2 on saturday afternoon. First I was excited about me because of the rave reviews even though I didn't like the first one much, then I wasn't excited afternoons because word of mouth it was crap.....anyways I thought it was wicked, the plot was well made, the CGI has improved greatly and the performances were just yeah you should go and see even if you've haven't read the comics like me. Also watched Made (2001) on DVD really funny film until near the end but it  is good. It stars Vince Vaughn, Peter Falk (Columbo TV show) and Sean Combs (P.Diddy).

I've been writing up a 'To Do List'  for everyday but I don't think I'll follow it anyway like excerising, tidying up, helping out, start on business management course  (home learning course that I bought in Feburary and still haven't started it :p). I'm kinda feeling funny at the moment since it is nearly in the morning urgh! other day I stayed on comp for 9 hours! and that's only surfing nothing else :p.

I'm gonna go sleep now I know I'm not gonna get up early, I rarely do I'm just too lazy and I'm use to it....Oh and remember Billu (my dad's sister's son) my cousin from Holland?...yeah well even though he's finally back in Holland permanteley, his wife is still here living with us :/ still waiting to get visa's been over a year since they been living in our house. Billu's dad is coming tomorrow from Holland to our house but is gonna everywhere for 4 days to other people's houses...the thing is they never told my parents that Billu's dad is gonna come here...they use to always tell us but not now cos frankly we, well me and mum don't like them anymore cos the way they treated us...we let them stay in our home and they got everthing for free but treated us like s**t. They seem to be 'goody' chums with the Canada lot/ family (you know the ones who were disrespectable to my parents and lived with us since October but moved out last month and didn't thank us idiots! ...

I don't have anything again Canada I love Canada I've been there but this family were originally from the UK but moved to Canada at least last then 6 months and came back and moved into our house - thats where they get the 'Canada lot' name, okay :p?) . Anyways the Holland only told them about his dad coming and never told us the dumb nuts....well Billu's dad phone earlier on today asking my dad will he go and pick him up but our car has broken down need a new very expensive engine fitted in we have our small blue van but it's a two see Hardeep (Canada lot) went with Billu to Holland for couple of weeks and is coming back tomorrow...he doesn't have a respect for anyone and is very cocky for someone who is younger than me and then complains to others that 'I was shouting/argung at him'...very immature lad......another thing now is that Billu's dad and Hardeep is coming and they want my dad to pick them up, well Billu's wife (living with us) wants to go to another place as well to get her visa sorted....well how the hell is dad gonna fit another 3 people in a 2 seater van?! those people are so stupid...they think my parents have free time on their hands just cos where self-employed and being our own boss doesn't mean that we can go whenever we want when we run a business duh!....well Billu's car in still here it's a 4 seater and now they called again wants us to take that but there's no damn insurance it...I don't like my dad risking things for these dad is too soft on his side family and it makes me angry when dad complains when someone from mum's side family ask for something but, anyways I prefer mums side family they don't treat you like s**t. You see some dad side family alright like one of his brothers family are amazing people but the rest treat you like crap and only need you or call you when they want something, you know cash and never giving it back and dad never asks which does my heading....but like when we bought tickets to concerts with mum sides family dad doesn't like it when we use his money, god! ...I wish my dad learns who's the real family members in this family unit. Ah well...

Friday, July 23, 2004

My Broadband kinda messed for the last 2 weeks...sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't argh!!!!!That's why I couldn't update the blog cos I kept getting disconnected!.....For the last 2 weeks I have insomnia - lately having sleepless nights don't know why, my mum thinks it cos I miss the internet :p but I think cos it's the summer holidays and I never really get to seem my friends and there's not much to do except help in the shop and do websites (when internet wotks probably).

My mum's sister-in-law died of cancer end of June therefore it's been quite depressing even though we didn't talk to her for along time cos she moved away and ignored us completely but it's her young adult children where worried about cos their their dad my uncle died a long time ago with his brother my other uncle nearly the same time for no apparent reason (they weren't even ill but we think someone/relative did a black magic on us).I hope though she's well in heaven with my granny and rest of the family members who passed away.

Went to Usher's concert on July 1st at NEC Birmingham but 3 tickets were wasted but sold it cheaply to someone....the concert was really really amazing....Usher can sing so well while doing those crazy dance antics which is really amazing cos you usually see some artists can't sing so well cos they are exhausted with dancing so much :p Anyways Usher is definitely an amazing performer and I liked him since 'You Make Me Wanna' song..............I'll post pics soon on here - the only problem with some pics are a bit fuzzy.Even though I did have an amazing time....I was annoyed when my camera got took off me nearly half way through the show cos someone behind me must have told the security I had an weren't allowed cameras for Usher's concert but I thought I'll take it just in case, cos they said that last time at Beyonce's concert that you weren't allowed a camera but they were selling cameras! can you believe that?!.......anyways the person who reported me with my camera had also had a camera too but a really dinky one so they won't get caught....I was realing with rage but I didn't tell the security guards there were no point....the other thing is that when I entered the NEC Arena Birmingham they didn't check my bag probably and my camera was right there to see but no they didn't realise duh! so it can't be my fault really....innit?

Saw Shrek 2 at cinema and it's better than the first more funnier...Puss In Boots as Mask of Zorro like played by Antonia Banderas was the star of the movie as well as Eddie Murphy's Donkey...the funniest parts were when Puss In Boots tried to look cute and lonely and then becomes the cat of Zorro with the sword and the other funniest part was when Pinochio was wearing a thong...everyone in the cinema burst out laughing so much lol!.....watched Big Fish on DVD and I have to say it's become one of my favourites really amazing I love the fantasy of the film and that the way father told the story of his life was better as a fantasy than a ordinary life like we live's a must-see.I still need to see Spiderman 2, can't wait for The Village cos of Joaquin Phoenix :D , as well as Robot I, Anchorman, Alien Vs Predator etc but most of all Blade 3: Trinity that will hit USA in favourite all time movies are the Blade franchise so I can't wait for the final installment, visit the site below by clicking on the banner right-hand side.

I think my last exams Sociology, and Law went alright end of June but have to wait for my results in Mid-August I really hope I've done well this time cos I don't wanna be stuck in a rut and stay in college for a very long time.
Blog laters....
I hope you like the new layout I made of Brandy :) it's my first ever proper blend layout.....
sorry I haven't blogged for over a month it's been a whirlwind time for me, so much as been going on mostly bad things but I'll post again later on for more full on blog.....I updated the playlists and DVD/video/cinema on the left hand side, the ME section is nearly done I got bit more to do when I have time, still got other sections to do, on the right hand side I added some more new hotspots banners - The official Blade Trinity site and Forever Brandy site
Blog laters....