hello well sorry for not blogging over a month loads of things have been going on and a brand new layout is up with the Amazing
Eric Bana.
My grandad (my dad's dad)
passed away on monday morning in India and even though I never got to know him much because I'm born in England I felt very very upset especially when my dad was really silent but my dad is a strong person. When we heard this news my dad went on the next day to India and will be staying there till end of this month. The
funeral was today in India and I hope my grandad is in a better pleace because my dad sides family over there didn't always take a good care of him and he was very unwell for a very long time and dad is happy now that his dad will find peace.
Rest In Peace grandad.
We went to
The Prince's Trust URBAN MUSIC FESTIVAL on the 9th May and I'll tell it has to been the
best concert I have been to but ties in with the Mariah Carey concert last year. The
UMF was really really good they had many acts. b-boys (break dancing), MC battle and loads of loads of workshops. Even though we hardly went to any workshops it was still very very wicked. The best performances I have seen from the Urban Music Festival was
Jay-Z (HOVA) and
Alicia Keys. Everyone went
berserk when Jay-Z performed it was totally wicked! and Alicia Keys well....just wow!! she was amazing and her voice is just as beautiful when she sings it live. Other good acts were
Cassidy 'My Hotel' even though R.Kelly wasn't there,
Mos Def,
Keisha White,
Dizzie Rascal and
TY (even though I've never head of them they are an wicked british act). But overall I totally enjoyed it, it was really cool and I've got some free music posters and I got my diposable cameras developed but the photos are not good but I'll upload to the computer when I have the time and show them to ya.
Although the concert was wicked it was
a journey from HELL! The day before the concert we all (10 of us) were squashed into my parent's 8 seater carrier car and we were all confused with the maps to London Earl's Court area because some streets didn't have signs which was
totally annoying! lol. It took less than 2 hours when we were in London to find our Paragon/Ibis Hotel when it was a street away from the actual Earl's Court Arena
duh!! Anyways that wasn't the only problem we had, when we got to our hotel they said that we had to pay
£300 something upfront and we were
thinking what the hell! you know and they kept saying we didn't pay for our rooms and we said we did online. This discussion went on for a while and then my cousin Lakhy's cousin Sandy found out on our printed confirmation email paper of the rooms we ordered said in a
very very small print 'The bill of the room has to be paid in cash when you arrive at the hotel it doesn't take it out your money from the credit cards details you give online for your order for security reasons'. We kinda felt like a really
dipstick lol but we managed to pay it from everyone's spending morning. Anyways as I
hate going in
lifts that do not have windows in them I walked up the stairs to 5 levels when I got to level 3 I was
totally out of breath lol I really am
unfit! Got to our rooms (I slept in the same room with my wicked aunty) and the rooms weren't what I expected cos they seem so small and dull for a 3 star hotel but it was alright where only gonna use it for sleeping in.
Later on in the day about
6ish we didn't have time to go to the
High Street where Harrods and designer shops were but at 9pm we went to the
Bombay Dreams restaurant which we booked the day before we came into London. We had to use taxis obviously to go this place. It was totally
packed out the restaurant and some of my cousins and my aunty recognised a very
famous Pakistani actress I forgot her name but she's very famous even though I've never watched a Pakistani movie so I didn't really give a thought. I forgot to take a picture of her it was a very cool restaurant
full of asians especially Hindus but it kinda felt like as if we at an
wedding party lol cos everyone was sitting down. But later on all of us kinda felt like dancing and most of our group were quite crazy on the dancefloor :p I was actually suprised that I was dancing cos I never ever dance but maybe it was because it was full of unknown people there but anyways everyone had a wicked time so that was important.
1ish we were all ready to go home and booked 2 taxi's for 10 of us but before we went Sandy's brother
Sukhy went to get cash from the wall cash machine some guy was on the machine. When this was happening all of us were on one side of the road and Sukhy was on the other side of the road. When the guy on the machine walked away to his car which was on our side, Sukhy kept staring at that guy for at least 5 minutes. We were thinking
'what the f**k was he staring at he guy?' you know we thought Sukhy was going to hit the guy or something so we told Suky to come on our side of the road and the guy in the car droved off at this time and Lakhy asked Sukhy what happened...he took a while to answer then Suky said that the guy on the cash machine who was in front of him and looked at Suky and asked him........
'Are you licking me?' lol
hahaha we all burst out laughing I nearly peed my pants lol as I was laughing so hard, that was so funny even though we didn't know why that guy asked him that. But it was so damn funny and we took
p**s out of Sukhy for the rest of the journey lol like my cousins Sunny's and Pinny's friend
Percy lol he kept making funny remarks like....
'Are you licking me?', 'Do you want some finger licking chicken (KFC)?', and when Percy's trainer was dirty he asked Sukhy
'Do you wanna lick my shoe?' lol it was really really funny but at least Sukhy didn't take it seriously.
But anyways it was a good weekend at London very cool and we all hope to do the same next year if there will be another Urban Music Festival but may
not take
some cousins like some of the girls from the group that we tool to London cos there was a
massive argument when we were leaving London that involved my 3 cousins, my aunt and I which I think I caused the argument but everything is alright now.
Went to see the movie
'Troy' went it came out that stars
Brad Pitt, Eric Bana, Orlando Bloom and Peter O'Toole. It is a
very wicked movie I went with my cousin
Lakhy. I've never seen any of
Eric Bana's films except for Black Hawk Down but can't remember him in there anyways he was
amazing in the movie, he was the
starring role (even though mainly based on Brad's character), I
loved his
character and he is
very very good looking! More good looking
than Brad Pitt lol. I think
Brad was alright in the movie his role was quite weak but still good and
Peter O'Toole who starred in of the old greatest movies Lawrence of Arabia was really good as the father of both Eric and Orlando Bloom.
Orlando was okay but the chemistry between his role as Paris and Helen wasn't that good. I thought there was really
good chemistry between Achilles (Brad) and
Briseis (Rose Bryne). If you haven't seen the movie it's
totally cool especially the
BEST fight scene ever is between Achilles (Brad) and Hector (Eric) that has been to be an classic moment and the movie
should win an Oscar and Eirc Bana should win the best supporting role. By the way I was
never taught about the actual Homer's story of Troy (Homer's poem) so this maybe why I like this movie
so much because I hear
people complaining that the movie is
not right and some plots are
wrong but remember
it's HOLLYWOOD it has to
attract the mainstream tastes.
I've also watch
Helen of Troy 2003 (mini movie) on TV and I have to admit some parts of this movie has more extra stuff than it does in the
epic movie Troy but anyways
Last week I went to my
cousin's Pinny and Sunny house for the weekend and we went to
Trafford centre in Manchester to watch
'The Day After Tomorrow' (we didn't have time to shop til you drop :p) and the movie was
reasonably good especially the
disaster parts in New York and Tokyo etc. I was
hoping the movie would make people realise that global warming is a big threat and that little things that we can do will help the world but I do not think it has pointed that out to everyone cos the movie was kind of based between
father (Dennis Quaid) and
son (Jake Gynaanell [sp?])
relationship but overall a
Anyways I think that is enough blogging for today and I
can't believe my exams start next week! arghhhhhhh!!!!!!! I
haven't revised yet it and I have my
maths paper 1 and 3 Government and Politics paper next week! I'm defientely
gonna fail like last year but I'm gonna revise today cos I'm totally behind.
I'll blog sometime this weekend or probably next week cos I need to get my head down to revise even though I
can't all the time cos mum has to take care of
shop by
herself while dad is still in India because I know those
plonkers living in
our house (the Cananda and Holland lot) are
never gonna help out. But this is because we had an
big argument with the
Canada lot and I don't speak to them especially their younger son because of the
way he speaks to my parents when I don't speak to his parents like that. I can't wait until they move to their new house which is 20 minutes from our house (I wished they moved to Scotland or London so that they wouldn't stay in contact with us)